Seed for Sale
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Ask us about this exciting new wheat!
The highest yielding CWRS ever registered with the added benefit of being midge tolerant. Has strong standability and an exceptional disease package including an MR for FHB and resistance to all other priority one diseases.
CWRS - AAC Hockley (NEW)
Next level performance over AAC Brandon and AAC Viewfield in yield, disease resistance and standability. High protein, easy to thresh with an unsurpassed disease package.
CWRS - AAC Starbuck VB
Orange wheat blossom midge tolerant, semi-dwarf CWRS with excellent grain yield, high protein, good straw strength, lower FHB and DON accumulation.
CWRS - AAC Wheatland VB
A semi-dwarf CWRS with excellent grain yield, high protein and excellent straw strength – it’s also tolerant to the orange wheat blossom midge.
CWRS - SY Manness (NEW)
Manness is a short, semi-dwarf CWRS with outstanding yield potential that is resistant to leaf and stem rusts and offers improved protein.
CWRS - AAC Brandon
Awned, semi-dwarf wheat variety capable of achieving high yields across many types of land and climate conditions on the prairies. Similar lodging tolerance and disease resistance to AC® Carberry with 105% yield index, 0.5 day earlier maturity and 1 cm shorter plant height.
CWRS - AAC Viewfield
A short, semi-dwarf CWRS with the highest standability ratings and leading sprout tolerance. It has exceptional performance in dry conditions.
CPS - UA Forefront
New high yielding CPS wheat with good straw strength. Kernal size and quality is better than many varieties on the market. In our trials, Forefront outyielded Penhold by 5%. This is a Foremost replacement which is no longer in the CPS category.
Soft White - AC Sadash VB
High yielding, high quality, awned, midge tolerant soft white spring wheat. Semi-dwarf with short strong straw. Lower protein, along with high grain yields expected to be suitable for ethanol production. Also a great silage option for extending the season that will definitely help to maximize tonnage.
CWAD - AAC Stronghold
Solid stemmed durum with good sawfly tolerance, good gluten strength, low grain cadmium content, and improved leaf spot resistance.
CWRW - AAC Wildfire
A bronze chaff, awned hard red winter wheat variety with exceptional grain yield potential and very good winter hardiness. It also has medium height, excellent lodging tolerance, and is late maturing.
Brett Young - BY 7206LL (NEW)
Maximize the potential of your canola with this exceptional hybrid designed for superior pod shatter control, advanced clubroot resistance, and unmatched blackleg protection.
Brett Young - BY 7204LL (NEW)
Features strong early season vigour, excellent standability and durable shatter resistance technology.
Brett Young - BY 7202LL (NEW)
Is a earlier mid-maturity hybrid featuring Pod DefendR shatter reduction and next generation club root protection.
Brett Young - BY 7102LL
Premiere Liberty Link hybrid with stacked 1st and next generation Clubroot resistance. DefendR rated Blackleg protection. A full-season hybrid with excellent plant and vigour standability.
Brett Young - BY 6217TF
Pod, Clubroot and Blackleg DefendR Protection with flexibility of the TruFlex Canola System. A canola hybrid with Pod DefendR to reduce pod shatter. Suitable for mid and long-season zones with 106% yield rating.
Brett Young - BY 6214TF
High-performing, mid-maturity hybrid with advanced disease resistance traits. Pod integrity that is suitable for delayed swathing. Next-generation clubroot resistance, resistance to newer pathotypes, and blackleg protection. Yield rating of 103%.
Brett Young - BY 6211TF
A new level of pod shatter resistance with DefendR Blackleg Protection. Well suited to direct harvest and delayed swathing systems. Excellent yield potential with mid-season maturity.
Brett Young - BY 6207TF
Medium long maturity suitable for mid and long season zones. Clubroot resistance (Next-generation* resistance) including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 2B, 3A, 3D and others. TruFlex hybrid equipped with the latest in herbicide trait technology.
Brett Young - BY 6204TF
A true mid-maturity product suitable for all production zones. DefendR rated Blackleg resistance plus Clubroot protection. TruFlex hybrid equipped with the latest in herbicide trait technology.
Brett Young - 6074 RR
The Roundup Ready canola variety with yields to challenge InVigor. Improved tolerance to Sclerotinia Stem Rot, Blackleg resistant, and a true consistent performer with excellent harvestability.
Brett Young - BY 5125CL
The yield leader in the Clearfield segment. R-rated Blackleg resistance plus 1st generation* Clubroot protection.
Canterra - CS4100 LL* (NEW)
High-yielding LibertyLink canola hybrid featuring PodProtect shatter tolerance for exceptional straight cut performance and outstanding disease resistance with multigenic blackleg and first and second generation clubroot resistance.
Canterra - CS4000 LL
LibertyLink hybrid with 106% yield rating. A mid-season canola that offers a strong disease package with clubroot and blackleg resistance with excellent straight cut performance.
Canterra - CS3300 TF (NEW)
Excellent straight cut and yield potential, this early season hybrid is suitable for all growing zones. Features both clubroot and blackleg resistance.
Canterra - CS3200TF (NEW)
High-yielding hybrid suitable for mid to long season growing zones featuring excellent pod shatter protection. Full disease package with excellent blackleg and clubroot resistance.
Canterra - CS3100 TF
Full season TruFlex hybrid with both excellent yield potential and straight cut performance. Multigenic blackleg resistance, and 1st and 2nd generation clubroot resistance.
Canterra - CS3000 TF
Mid-maturing TruFlex hybrid with excellent 106.2% yield potential. Multigenic blackleg resistance and 2nd generation clubroot resistance.
Canterra - CS2800 CL
Full maturity Clearfield canola hybrid with excellent yield potential, multigenic blackleg resistance, and 1st and 2nd generation clubroot resistance.
Canterra - CS2700 CL
A high-yielding Clearfield® hybrid featuring clubroot resistance, multigenic Blackleg resistance and exclusive contract premiums.
Canterra - CS2600 CR-T
An early-maturing TruFlex™ Canola with Roundup Ready® Technology hybrid that features unparalleled application window and rate flexibility that greatly enhances your weed control options, enhanced clubroot resistance to one of the widest ranges of pathotypes and straight cut potential.
Canterra - CS2500 CL
Exclusive contract premiums with one-pass weed control that saves time and offers more ROI – only available with Clearfield® Canola.
Canterra - CS2300
Strong legs and big bushels – a Roundup Ready® canola hybrid setting a new standard for yield and standability.
Canterra - CS2100
A Roundup Ready® canola hybrid with excellent yield potential, multigenic Blackleg resistance and straight-cut option.

NEW for 2024!
Very high yield 113% of CDC Copeland. Strong strawed 2-row malting barley. New in Canada but the most widely accepted variety in the world!
Very high yielding strong strawed 2-row malting barley with an excellent agronomic package. Has low enzyme activity making it ideally suited to 100% malt brewing.
Malt - AAC Connect
Great yield potential and excellent malt quality attributes. Best FHB resistance in its class with superior yield and short, strong straw.
Malt - AC Metcalfe
Two-row spring malting barley with high yields, good agronomic traits, moderate disease resistance and excellent malting quality. Long-term malting check. Consistent performance that continues to have wide acceptance from maltsters.
Malt - AAC Synergy
A two-row malt barley includes relatively low protein with high plump, high extract and low beta-glucan levels. Great yield potential with favourable quality for the malt market.
Malt - CDC Copeland
An older but most widely excepted malt variety with good yield. Combines excellent brewing characteristics with lower protein and enzyme levels.
Malt - CDC Fraser
CDC Fraser is gaining acceptance as a high yielding strong strawed 2-row malting barley with large plump kernels and lower grain protein.
FEED - CDC Renegade
Extremely high yielding 2-row feed barley with smooth awns for discerning cattlemen and cattlewomen.
Next level yielding spring 2-row barley with an attractive agronomic package. Malt quality with exceptionally short strong straw.
Next level yielding 2-row, short straw barley with top-in-class standability. Great harvestability and straw management for feed or malt producers.
Feed - CDC Austenson
A tried and tested two-row feed barley with top grain yield, straw strength, test weight and kernel size and plumpness. Particularly well suited to producers seeking a top yielding 2-row feed barley with improved performance over Xena.
FEED CDC Durango (NEW!)
CDC Durango serves as the ideal replacement for Austenson, offering exceptional straw strength.
Feed - AB Advantage
An incredibly high yielding feed barley. AB Advantage is smooth awned suitable for forage with lots of potential for tonnage per acre.

CDC Hickie (NEW)
New for 2025!
CDC Hickie is a high yielding yellow cotyledon field pea with high protein, medium vine length, good standability and good resistance to seed coat breakage, dimpling and less green coloration.
CDC Hickie Yellow Pea Info sheet
Yellow - CS ProStar
Exhibits a very high protein content without compromising its high yield potential. Has an earlier maturity and significantly lower seed coat breakage compared to CDC Amarillo and AAC Lacombe.
Yellow - AAC Ardill
The highest yielding yellow pea in the RVT sites across AB in zone 1 and 2 and the second highest yielding variety across AB of all varieties tested for 2020. Maturity rating Early/Medium. Excellent seed coat rating.
Yellow - AAC Carver
High yielding pea variety suitable for all pea growing areas. Very early maturing, good standability, and great seed coat.
Green - CDC Forest
A high yielding, medium maturing pea with good seed coat integrity. It has improved mycosphaerella blight resistance and powdery mildew resistance.

Milling - CDC Endure
Extremely high yield and great agronomic performance. It outyields AC Morgan with better standability, high test weight and plumpness. It also provides the high beta glucan levels that end users require to make heart healthy products.
Milling - CS Camden
Grower and miller approved with high yields and improved quality. Shorter stature with excellent lodging resistance.

Other Seeds
219-16 Faba Beans
A small seeded, white flowered faba bean with improved yield compared to CDC Snowdrop. It has a similar maturity and standability as CDC Snowbird and Snodrop. It is also shorter in height.
CDC Nimble Red Lentils
A high-yielding small red lentil that is an Imidazolinone tolerant variety. It is higher yielding with a greater seed thickness than CDC Maxim. It is rated “Good” for Ascochyta and Anthracnose.
CDC Proclaim Red Lentils
A high-yielding small red lentil that is a Clearfield® tolerant variety. It has very similar plant characteristics to CDC Maxim, but is higher yielding and has a plumper seed. It is well-suited to the Dark Brown and Brown soil zone regions that produce red lentils.
SU Cossani Hybrid Rye (NEW)
SU Cossani is the go-to for dry and sandy soils, thriving under stress conditions with consistently high yields – excelling in milling, distilling, ethanol, or feed markets.
AB Snowcat Winter Triticale (sold out- available fall 2025)
A new winter triticale from Canterra Seeds. This is a great forage or grain trit with yields that are a notch above what we’re used to seeing. Snowcat stands great and cattlemen will want to make it part of their forage rotation.
Wide variety of high quality Brett Young forage seeds is available. Let us help you find the right stock blend, tailored to your farm.